Here are some accessibility options to help persons of different abilities use a Windows PC:

1) for persons with physical disabilities

2) for persons with low vision

3) for persons with blindness

4) for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing

Resources with more information on accessibility support for Windows can be found in Section 5.

1) For Persons with Physical Disabilities

a) Windows Speech Recognition with MouseGrid

Windows Speech Recognition

Windows Speech Recognition is a free-to-use app that allows users to control their PCs via voice command without the use of a keyboard or mouse. It is useful for persons with physical disabilities who have limited mobility in their upper limbs. Watch this video to learn how to set up and use the app. 


  • Windows PC with Windows 10

  • Windows Speech Recognition app installed and activated in ‘Listening’ mode


  • Check and adjust your microphone/headset levels in ‘Manage Audio Devices’ setting

  • Work in a quiet environment to give clear voice commands

  • Work best when operated on a single monitor screen

 Click here for a list of all the Windows Speech Recognition commands.


MouseGrid is a feature that comes with the Windows Speech Recognition app. It allows users to move the mouse pointer to a specific area with voice commands. After MouseGrid is launched, it will display a translucent three-by-three grid on the screen, with the sections divided and numbered.

Launching and Using the MouseGrid

  • Say “Open MouseGrid” or “MouseGrid” to open MouseGrid in full-screen

  • Say “Open Small MouseGrid” to open a small grid centered around the pointer's current location


  • Say one of the grid numbers (any number between 1 and 9) to select and zoom in on a specified section of the grid

Selecting Section 

When the section of the grid has landed on a defined part of the screen that users would like to access such as a button icon, say “Click” together with one of the grid numbers to select it (e.g. “Click 8”)

Dismissing the MouseGrid

  • Say Cancel” to remove MouseGrid

Below is an example of how MouseGrid is used alongside Zoom (video conferencing platform), to open the Zoom chat window.

When MouseGrid is activated on the screen, users can verbally command their preferred number shown on the grids on screen (for example, grid 8). A new three-by-three grid will appear in that area as shown below.

Screenshot of MouseGrid after launching it in Windows Speech Recognition app with voice control. The Mousegrid shown consists of 9 grids of 3 by 3, numbered with 1 to 9, representing the respective areas on the screen.

Screenshot of a smaller MouseGrid after zooming into it with voice control by selecting a grid number.

Users can repeat this process to get the grid to further define the area they wanted to click upon.

Screenshot of an even smaller MouseGrid after zooming into it with voice control by selecting a grid number to further define a screen area that contains an icon of interest for selection.

Screenshot of the chat window opened successfully with MouseGrid via voice command.

For a demonstration of how you can use voice control with MouseGrid to hold a Zoom meeting, watch this video.

The above method of using voice control with MouseGrid via Windows Speech Recognition can also be applied to other video conferencing platforms in Windows, e.g. Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, Cisco Webex.

b) On-screen keyboard functions

Persons with limited mobility in their upper limbs can use the on-screen keyboard function, along with a wearable wireless assistive mouse pointer, such as the Quha Gyroscopic Mouse or GlassOuse, to perform on-screen typing to chat on video conferencing platforms.

To activate the on-screen keyboard function:

  • Press Windows logo key"" + Ctrl + “O” key (toggle on/off)

  • Alternatively, select the Windows Start menu icon""  on lower-left corner of screen > Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard > Turn on Use the On-Screen Keyboard

  • Once activated, a virtual keyboard as shown below, will be displayed on the screen for the user to type with their hands-free mouse pointers

Screenshot of an on-screen keyboard which has the similar "QWERTY" layout as a physical keyboard.

2) For Persons with Low Vision

a) Make Text Bigger on Display

To increase the size of text, apps, and other items:
  • Go to Windows Start menu icon"" > Settings > Ease of Access > Display

  • Use the slider under “Make text bigger” to enlarge the text. Or, select an option from the drop-down menu under “Make everything bigger” to adjust the size of the display

Screenshot of accessibility option to make text bigger on display.

b) High Contrast

To increase the colour contrast of the display:

  • Go to Windows Start menu icon"" > Settings > Ease of Access > High contrast

    Choose a high contrast theme, and switch on the toggle under Turn on high contrast

  • Press Alt + Shift + Print Screen to toggle the High Contrast On/Off

Screenshot of accessibility option to set high contrast of display.

c) Magnifier

To switch on the Magnifier function:

  • Go to Windows Start menu icon "" > Settings > Ease of Access > Magnifier (Or press Windows logo key ""  + Ctrl + “M” key to open Magnifier settings), and then switch on the toggle under “Turn on Magnifier

  • Alternatively, press Windows logo key "" + “+/=” key and to turn on the magnifier and zoom into the screen page

  • Press Windows logo key"" + “_/-” key to zoom out of the screen page

Screenshot of accessibility option to turn on the Magnifier function.

To invert colours after turning on Magnifier:

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + “I” key to toggle it On/Off

Screenshot of screen when "Invert Colours" function is activated, with background colour shown in black, and text in white.

To switch off the Magnifier function:

  • Press Windows logo key"" + Esc key

Click here for more information on Windows Accessibility for persons with low vision. 

3) For Persons with Blindness

a) Screen Reader Support

 Windows Narrator

 The Narrator accessibility feature in Windows enables persons with visual impairment
 to complete common tasks on the computer without a mouse. It reads out and
 interacts with elements on the screen such as text and buttons, and can be used to
 read and write emails, browse the internet, and work with documents. The Narrator
 can also be used to read out the text content on the screen of the video conferencing

Screenshot of accessibility option to turn on the Narrator function.

Screenshot of prompt when Narrator is activated.

There are two ways to start and stop the Narrator function:

1) Press Windows logo key "" + Ctrl + “N” key to open Narrator settings, and turn on the toggle under Use Narrator. (Alternatively, go to Windows Start menu icon "" > Settings > Ease of Access > Narrator.) Or,

2) Press Windows logo key "" + Ctrl + Enter key (Toggle for start/stop)

In Windows Narrator, use the Tab or arrow keys to navigate apps and webpages. Keys such as Tab, arrow, and Enter keys can also be used to navigate check boxes and buttons.

Click here to find more information on Windows Narrator.

4) For Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

a) Closed Captions Customisation

When watching a movie or TV show, closed captions can be customised in Windows apps, or in software application such as PowerPoint.

To customise closed captions:
  • Press Windows logo key "" + “U” key to open Ease of Access, and select “Closed captions”. (Alternatively, go to Windows Start menu icon "" > Settings > Ease of Access > Closed captions)

Screenshot of accessibility option to customise closed captions, with options available for customising the caption colour, transparency types, style, size, effects, etc. 
Click here to learn more about closed captions in movies and TV for Windows 10. 

b) Notification Settings

To select how visual alerts for notifications are displayed:
  • Press Windows logo key "" + “U” key to open Ease of Access, and select “Audio”. (Alternatively, go to Windows Start menu icon "" > Settings > Ease of Access > Audio)

  • Go to “Show audio alerts visually” as shown below. Select an option from the drop-down menu for notifications display

  Options include “Flash the title bar of the active window”, “Flash the active window”,   
  “Flash the entire screen”, or “No visual alert”.

Screenshot of accessibility option to select how visual alerts for notifications are displayed.

5) More Information about Accessibility Support for Windows

    a) Microsoft

    b) Video conferencing platforms