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Post-18 Interactive Guide: Planning for the Future After Graduation

Graduating from school is a momentous achievement, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. For graduates of Special Education (SPED) schools and caregivers, this transition can come with unique challenges, but it also opens up a world of possibilities.


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A World of Possibilities Awaits!

SPED graduates and their parents can find out more about the range of post-school options available through the Post-18 Interactive Guide developed by SG Enable.

It provides information on a variety of post-18 options for SPED graduates, going beyond centre-based adult disability services such as day activity centres and sheltered workshops, and including options such as community programmes, lifelong learning opportunities, open and supported employment opportunities, and more.

With this interactive guide, SPED graduates and caregivers are empowered to continue exploring potential options that could be suitable and accessing them based on an individual’s abilities and passion. The options recommended by this guide are customised based on disability types and post-18 goals and interest areas via a questionnaire.

Explore the Post-18 Interactive Guide here.

A PDF copy of this resource (accurate as of Nov 2023), can also be downloaded here.

For feedback and enquiries, contact SG Enable.



The Post-18 nteractive Guide is intended to better support users in the post-SPED transition planning process with information consolidated in a single place for easy reference. It does not constitute an approval or endorsement of the programme/resource/service. While every effort is made to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and current at the point of release, do check with the programme/resource/service provider directly for the latest information.

Please also note that the information listed is not exhaustive. We welcome your inputs on other programmes, resources and/or services that you might know which are not currently included, as well as any suggestions for improvement. 

Thank you for your feedback! For further feedback, visit our rating form.