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Job Placement and Job Support

Persons with disabilities who approach SG Enable for employment assistance will be referred to the appointed SSA partners for Job Placement and Job Support (JPJS) services.

1. Preparation

Prepare for the Job

You will benefit from the job-readiness assessment conducted by specialists, such as occupational therapists/psychologists/employment coaches.

We will work with you to

  • Understand your strengths, job interests and skills
  • Identify training opportunities
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2. Engagement with Employers

Secure the Job

An employment coach will work with you to:

  • Identify job opportunities
  • Link up with prospective employers
  • Analyse job tasks and assess suitability
  • Assess worksite accessibility
  • Recommend assistive technology solutions
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3. Workplace Integration

Sustain in the job

We provide short-term support for workplace integration.

  • On-site job coaching to help you integrate into your workplace
  • Facilitate building rapport between you and your colleagues
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How to apply

Persons with disabilities* seeking employment assistance may download the SG Enable Employment Assistance Application Form and email us at or approach SG Enable’s Information and Career Centre, located within the Enabling Village. 

Jobseekers with disabilities can also apply for vacancies with our inclusive employers in our Disability Employment Portal here.

Click here to log in to the portal via Singpass

If you would like to find out more about pursuing a career in the public service, please take a look at the Public Service Career Placement (PSCP) Programme.

For persons with acquired disabilities who are experiencing difficulties reintegrating into the workforce, please take a look at the Hospital-to-Work Transition Programme.

Have additional enquiries? Contact SG Enable or call 1800-8585-885.

*Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents only. Disabilities supported by SG Enable for adult services are: autism, intellectual disability, physical disability, deafness/ hearing loss and visual impairment.


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